加拿大PreMD Inc
依一份美国心脏学期刊新近发表的资料,有一个特殊的非侵入性皮肤固醇测试,可以使用于侦测早期血管性疾病。利用PREVU(*) Point of Care (POC) Skin Sterol Test这项非侵入性产品便可以用来测试皮肤组织胆固醇。这种皮肤组织胆固醇和心肌梗塞及中风的标准风险指标,也就是颈动脉内膜中层厚度(carotid intima media thickness, CIMT)有关联性。PreMD Inc公司的执行长及总裁Dr. Brent Norton说,公司正在进行中的 600人临床研究 (PASA) 将会在这个令人兴奋的成果方面,继续扩大研究皮肤组织胆固醇和CIMT的关联性。
PreMD Inc. is dedicated to saving and improving people’s lives with simple, painless and patient-friendly tests that can detect life-threatening illnesses at an early stage. Our tests do not require any patient preparation or dietary restrictions and can be performed at the point of care, in a laboratory setting and, in some cases, even at home.
Cardiovascular Assessment
Our cardiovascular risk assessment technology, PREVU* Skin Sterol Test, assesses a patient’s risk of heart disease by non-invasively measuring the amount of cholesterol in the skin tissues.
Cancer Screening Tests
PreMD’s non- or minimally-invasive tests for early-stage colorectal, lung and breast cancers detect a cancer-associated sugar in a sample of rectal mucus, sputum and breast nipple aspirate fluid, respectively. Our cancer tests are in development.
Our Model for Success
PreMD in-licenses proven technologies that target medical conditions where there is a well-defined, urgent need for tests to assess risk or screen for disease.
We then develop and realize the potential of each technology. This includes managing clinical trials, which are largely funded by third parties, obtaining patent protection, and navigating the regulatory process. At the appropriate time, we aim to out-license our technologies to a strategic partner for commercialization.
This cost-effective, low-risk business model creates a substantial platform for profitability as PreMD’s products are commercialized.