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英国Process Analysis & Automation (paa) 
PAA公司可根据用户实际需求提供Luminex ,移液器,离心机,震荡器,PCR等仪器设备的自动化解决方案。把Luminex系统结合到PAA的自动化系统中,就可以分析成千的样品,使用时只要简单的准备孔板,而液体处理,孔板的移动以及Luminex系统的控制和数据处理等工作就可以完全交给自动化系统来完成。

Process Analysis & Automation (paa) provides state-of-the-art automation and measurement technology to the pharmaceutical and chemical industries. The company was formed in 1992 by five former members of the Process Analysis & Automation team at the BP Research Centre at Sunbury-on-Thames, UK. Originally supplying bespoke data acquisition systems to UK industry, we now trade globally with products and services covering Process Analytical Technology and Laboratory Automation.

Business Divisions
There are three company divisions, all of which have their own Web pages detailing the products and services provided:

Laboratory Automation - PAA laboratory automation presentation
21 CFR Part 11
Process Acoustics

paa is staffed with professional project managers, computer scientists, robotic specialists, analytical chemists, physicists and electronic engineers. These are backed-up with access to a team of World-Class academics and engineering consultants.

Client Base
Major pharmaceutical, biotechnology, chemical and petrochemical companies.

PAA are pleased that we are able to collaborate with the following organizations, offering them high quality software, hardware and expertise to enhance their product ranges:

Forensic Science Service; automate.it storstar and OVERLORD Workstation for instrument control in the forensic science laboratory
GE Healthcare; Overlord2 control and a range of laboratory robots to automated the LEADseeker, IN Cell 1000 and IN Cell 3000 instruments
PerkinElmer; Janus Project Manager
Labcyte; Overlord2 control for the Labcyte Echo 5xx Pod instruments
Molecular Devices; Overlord2 enhancement for the StakMax/plate reader systems
Caliper; Overlord2 for their ACES consultancy service
Peak Robotics; Overlord2 system software
Lets Go Robotics; Overlord2 system software
SRU Biosystems; Overlord2 system software
