丹麦Proxeon公司 为专业蛋白质体产品供货商,提供蛋白质样品制备、纯化分离、奈升级离子源及相关配备、蛋白质数据库系统等等一系列产品及服务。
丹麦Proxeon公司推出的最新nano-HPLC被称作EASY-nLC TM ,是因为这个名称整合了两个关键系统特征:无分流式、流速可以降低到纳升/分钟和创新的易操作性能。Proxeon 的前身是Protana, 为世界上生产nano-ESI (纳升级电喷雾) 配件的先驱探索者和生产者,其产品性能可靠,名扬全世界。其最新推出的nano-HPLC 容易操作,用户友好,价格适宜,深受大家的欢迎。
Proxeon develops state-of-the-art solutions to solve many of the scientific and technical challenges that are faced by those working in the field of proteomics. The company is committed to making a positive difference to the success of researchers throughout the world by providing high performance and innovative solutions for medical, pharmaceutical and biotech research.
The proteomics field draws on a wide range of knowledge, including biology, physics, engineering and informatics. Scientists at Proxeon have been actively involved in proteomics research for more than 15 years and have a proven track record in development of high quality products. Their expert knowledge in the field enables them to develop products that address key bottlenecks in proteomic workflows and provide superior performance, robustness, simplicity and user-friendliness.
With core competencies in the areas of mass spectrometry, protein analysis, hardware and software design for proteome analysis, Proxeon is uniquely capable of developing superior solutions, and creating a new generation of powerful proteomics tools.
Proxeon was incorporated in 2002 under the laws of Denmark and is headquartered in the town of Odense.