OraSolv AB公司在收购,开发和牙科行业,生产和销售的产品和微创牙科方法加工的公司,该公司经营。该公司推出了首个国际品牌伢典®,为组织保存龋去除证据充分的科学依据与150多个方法。证书东南恩的ISO 13485:2003
AB公司的Medi队成立,目前的活动重点第一千九百九十六该公司在1997年被列入名单,履行机构在斯德哥尔摩证券交易所在1998年后期。 2002年,当时的Medi队更名为AB和AB公司就伢典®生物平衡素活动被转移到全资附属公司命名的Medi队牙科学士学位。 2004年6月,公司分离出来的生物平衡素MediTeam牙科AB公司,并在一北上市。 2005年7月1日改名为OraSolv学士学位。
MediTeam通过销售网络销售其产品的分销商和50多个分销商今天在欧洲,北美和亚洲。 MediTeam最近在中国和印度的合同分销商 - 市场提供了大量的人口需要治疗龋齿。
英文名Carisolv ,瑞典Mediteam公司技术。用于牙本质龋坏组织去除,不用或少用牙钻,具有无痛、不损坏健康牙齿,
洞内的龋坏组 织软化然后使用专用的手工工具将软化的龋坏组织轻柔地刮除的技术。使用伢典在治疗过程中不需要使用牙钻
Carisolv诞生1975年,由瑞典多所大学和Mediteam Dental AB合作开发研制并于一九九七年正式在瑞典市场上市。
因其先进的龋齿祛腐概念,在全球享有美誉。相继获得欧洲C E认证、美国FDA上市许可、ISO9001质量体系认证。 2001年,
Carisolv 来到中国,并以伢典作为产品的中文名。此前Carisolv 已在全球58个国家(地区)临床 使用,在很多国家已成
为常规治疗方法。临床上已有近50万患者使用过Carisolv 进行治疗。
2003年2月伢典 被中国初级卫生保健基金会指定为全 国龋病普查和防治活动的唯一专用产品。
OraSolv AB is a company engaged in the acquisition, development and processing of companies in the dental industry, which produces and markets products and methods for minimally invasive dentistry. The company launched the first international brand is Carisolv ®, a well-documented method for tissue preservation caries removal of over 150 scientific references. Certificate SE-EN ISO 13485:2003
Historical background
On 1 July 2005 Medicare changed its team name to AB Dental OraSolv AB. The name change approved by the General Meeting May 31, 2005 occurred when the Board took the decision on a new strategy. The strategy includes an acquisition focus. The company's management and board focus today to find and acquire cash flow positive dental company in the Nordic countries with a turnover of between 10-150 million, and to develop new products and continued sales efforts around Carisolv ®.
Carisolv ®
Carisolv ® is a gentle method for the treatment of dental caries. The method reduces the need for drilling and stunning, but most of all save the more of the healthy tooth. The method is minimally invasive and affect only the carious part of the tooth, so that the teeth after repair last longer, reduces the risk of complications and patient comfort increased.
Carisolv ® gelteknik was when it was introduced in Sweden in 1997 one of the first methods in dentistry who removed a minimally and tissue conservation messages associated with the treatment of dental caries. Dental Service had until then for over 100 years mostly relied on drills of different designs.
The current situation is Carisolv ® established in some markets and is an important complement to more traditional treatment to improve patients' long-term dental health by preserving more of the healthy tooth in caries treatment. In addition to intensified product development company is now focusing on positioning the product correctly in relation to other caries treatment and get started on the new date and primary markets.
From MediTeam to OraSolv
Medi Team AB was established with the current activities focus 1996th The company was listed in the 1997 SBI list and later in 1998 on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. In 2002, then changed the name Medi Team AB to AB and Biolin activities regarding Carisolv ® was transferred to the wholly owned subsidiary named Medi Team Dental AB. In June 2004, demerged MediTeam Dental AB from Biolin and listed on First North. On 1 July 2005 was the name change to OraSolv AB.
MediTeam AB carried out between 1996-2002 new issues of about 200 million. It has over 100 million invested over the years in building a strong scientific knowledge base about the new geltekniken and to position the product on the world market. Today there are about 150 published scientific references and some of these have both direct and indirect indication of interest identified new areas. In today OraSolv planned to defend the scientific observations and initiate the development of new products based on a combination of amino acids and hypochlorite, but also to continue the further development of Carisolv ®.
After the spin-off from Biolin, where Carisolv ® was not a priority area in the last period, has a lot of time and energy from management and the board agreed to increase the effectiveness of the organization and sales process, analyze the possibilities for developing new products, and designing a business model for future acquisition. The work has led to a new strategy and partly change in operation which is built on three legs.
Acquisition of clinics and product companies in dentistry
Development of new products
Continued streamlining of the sales process around Carisolv ®.