DiaSorin(意大利索灵集团)创建于1956年,曾是意大利菲亚特集团旗下子公司。 现为意大利独立上市公司,具有近50年生物医学领域的研发经验,其放射免疫和酶免疫在欧洲及全球享有极高的知名度。
DiaSorin 公司总部位于意大利Saluggia, 包括生产、研发、市场、行政等部门, 同时在德国和美国建有生产基地,所有的生产设施都获得FDA和ISO认证.在上海设有意大利索灵集团(中国)分公司。
Diasorin is the embodiment of a tradition of growth and excellence focused on the improvement of human health. With more than 40 years of international experience, the Diasorin Group develops, produces, and distributes immunoreagent kits for clinical diagnostics. Thanks to its well established expertise, specifically in the immunodiagnostics market, Diasorin has become “the” in vitro diagnostics specialist. Over the years, by making available to the medical profession tests that can provide optimum guidance in making clinical decisions, Diasorin has contributed to improving the delivery of health care and reducing its cost.
The Group, which consists of 15 companies based in Europe, the Americas, and Asia, operates four production facilities in Saluggia (Vercelli, Italy), Dietzenbach (Germany), Stillwater (USA), Dublin (Ireland). It has over 1000 employees, more than 90 of whom engage in research and development activities.
Thanks to the combined reach of a direct sales force and an international network of more than 80 independent distributors, Diasorin’s sales organization is active in over 60 countries with a diversified line of technologies tailored to the needs of the different markets it serves.