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Natera Natera

Natera是一家基因检测公司,已开发了一种基于生物信息学的专利技术(NATUS),通过少量DNA来实现用于生殖适应证的准确、完整的高通量检测。Natera在加州San Carlos运营一家CLIA认证实验室,提供一组受孕前和产前基因检测服务。所提供的检测包括:旨在通过一个IVF周期中生成的胚胎检出染色体畸形或遗传性基因疾病,以实现植床前基因诊断;流产后受孕产物检测,以快速、全面分析胚胎染色体,从而了解妊娠中断的病因;无创产前检测以确定父系,携带者筛查以检出父母亲是否携带可能导致子女疾病的基因变异;Panorama,这是一种面向妊娠女性的安全简单的检测,可早在妊娠第9周时检出胚胎中最常见的染色体畸形。Natera的PreNATUS胚胎染色体畸形无创筛查临床试验由NIH资助,正由美国母婴医学界的领袖开展。

atera is a genetic testing company that has developed a proprietary bioinformatics-based technology (NATUS) to deliver accurate and comprehensive high-throughput testing for reproductive indications from tiny quantities of DNA. Natera operates a CLIA-certified laboratory in San Carlos, Calif., providing a host of preconception and prenatal genetic testing services. Test offerings include pre-implantation genetic diagnosis to identify chromosomal anomalies or inherited genetic conditions in embryos during an IVF cycle; products-of-conception testing following miscarriage to rapidly and extensively analyze fetal chromosomes in order to understand the cause of the pregnancy loss; non-invasive prenatal testing to determine paternity; carrier screening tests to detect whether parents carry genetic variations that may result in disease in the child; and Panorama, a safe, simple test for pregnant women that identifies the most common chromosomal anomalies in a fetus as early as 9 weeks. Natera's PreNATUS clinical trial for non-invasive screening of fetal chromosomal anomalies is funded by the NIH and is being conducted by the leaders in maternal-fetal medicine in the United States.
