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Next Generation DX Summit
Next Generation DX Summit Next Generation DX Summit

下一代诊断学会 Next Generation DX Summit   

The Next Generation Dx Summit (由实现重点照护诊断、新癌分子标记、感染性疾病的分子诊断、陪伴员诊断药、分子诊断的收益企业化、在临床诊断的质量分析等计画构成),是在逐渐进化的诊断技术领域担任重要作用的组织代表齐聚一堂的学会。今年亦预定有在制药公司、行政机关、主要的学术研究机关等活跃而深受瞩目的演讲者大量登场,发表重点放在临床应用和商业利用之诊断技术的研究和开发成果。从8月21日到23日在美国华盛顿D.C.举行的此学会,是能聆听业界领导者谈论诊断技术市场今后的商机,且能与众多业界有关人员建构人际关系的宝贵机会。

Technological advances in next generation diagnostics are driving growth and innovation in healthcare. Rapid and precise diagnosis is essential for personalized medicine and will change the way value is assessed and compensated in the healthcare system. This meeting offers a comprehensive view of the changing landscape of diagnostics and brings together the key players in the field.

The Next Generation Dx Summit (Enabling Point-of-Care Diagnostics, Emerging Molecular Markers of Cancer, Molecular Diagnostics for Infectious Disease, Companion Diagnostics, Commercialization of Molecular Diagnostics, Mass Spec for the Clinic) is designed to bring together all of the major players in the evolving areas of diagnostics. This year, we have assembled an impressive faculty of speakers from industry, government, and leading academic institutions. This meeting will showcase improvements in technology research and development with an emphasis on applications in the clinic and commercialization. Plan to hear what the industry leaders are saying about future market opportunities and network with your peers this August 21-23 in Washington, DC.
