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Noveko Noveko

加拿大  诺欧威克  Noveko   
诺欧威克(北京)科技发展有限公司(NOVEKO Beijing)是一家经国家相关部门批准在北京注册的加拿大外商独资企业,在华主要从事杀菌过滤网、膜、布相关环保材料、产品和设备的技术研发、技术咨询、技术培训、技术转让和推广,销售自行研发的产品并代理进出口等业务。公司的主打产品包括杀菌口罩、杀菌空气过滤网、杀菌无纺布、免洗消毒洗手液、超声波扫描仪、空气净化器等,广泛应用于医疗、卫生、环保以及动物健康等领域。

集团公司NOVEKO International Inc.是一家多伦多主板的上市公司,总部在加拿大魁北克省蒙特利尔市,在美洲、欧亚拥有11家子公司。公司拥有的杀菌空气过滤技术在包括中国在内的全球许多国家申请了专利,并已获得美国、加拿大、墨西哥及欧亚等许多国家的批准。该项专利技术可以有效地将空气中的病原体、变态反应原、以及颗粒物质(如灰尘)隔离在滤网/口罩表面,并通过添加于口罩/滤网纤维中的杀菌剂有效地杀死细菌并将他们隔离在滤网内。使用NOVEKO产品不仅可以过滤和杀死空气中的病菌,还有效地解决了滤网/口罩使用及回收处理过程中产生的细菌再生、再传播等问题。



Since our inception in 2002, we have rapidly evolved into an international business through targeted acquisitions and partnerships as well as organic growth.

Through our wholly owned operating subsidiaries, we offer innovative solutions in the environmental and medical fields.

Noveko Inc. develops NovekoTM antimicrobial surgical masks, respirators and air filters derived from its patented antimicrobial filtration technology. It also develops antiseptic hand sanitizers sold under the Microban® brand.

Epurair is a designer and manufacturer of air quality systems marketed under the EPURAIRTM brand and targeted to the residential market. Then acting under the trade name of Noveko Filtration, Epuirair is also developing, in collaboration with Noveko Inc., cutting-edge air filter systems based on Noveko’s patented antimicrobial technologies for use in healthcare, industrial, commercial and residential environments.

Purer Life specializes in the development and manufacturing of filtration fabric – including its patented 3-D filter membrane incorporating our antimicrobial technologies.

Our French subsidiary, ECM, specializes in real-time ultrasound scanners for veterinary and human medicine.

Noveko Algérie and Noveko Trading are also subsidiaries of Noveko International focusing on the sales and distribution of our products in international markets.
