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Nephros Nephros

nephros公司,总部在新泽西州,是一家医疗器械公司,开发和销售治疗应用,感染控制,水净化过滤产品。Nephros血液透析滤过(HDF)系统的设计,而解决的关键财务和临床保健提供者的需求,改善终末期肾脏疾病(ESRD)患者的生活质量。终末期肾功能不可逆转的丧失为特征的一种疾病状态。Nephros的HDF系统更有效地消除各种有害物质,并具有更大的容量,比现有的终末期的治疗方法,特别是就统称为物质,“中间分子。” 这些分子已发现有助于透析相关性淀粉样变,腕隧道症候群,退化性骨骼疾病,并最终在终末期肾病患者的死亡率等条件。Nephros双级超滤(DSU)Nephros水过滤产品线,其中包括密歇根州立大学和语常会办事处超滤的基础上。专利的双级冷杀菌超滤过滤掉细菌,由于其特殊的过滤水平,筛选出很多病毒,寄生虫和毒素的能力。Nephros DSU的密歇根州立大学,和语常会办事处是FDA在血液透析过程中使用的生物污染物从水和碳酸氢盐浓缩过滤清除。nephros“DSU的超滤正在评估在美国几个主要的医疗中心感染控制。nephros还开发饮用水净化UF-40超滤在战场上的士兵。

Nephros, Inc. was founded in 1997 by Columbia University health for the End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) patient, while addressing
the critical needs of the care provider. The Company has developed the most effective ESRD therapy available worldwide, offering unique
and proprietary technologies that dramatically improve clinical efficacy.
Nephros technologies also remove a range of harmful substances not currently removed by existing dialysis methods; addressed specifically
are substances known collectively as middle molecules, due to their molecular weight, that contribute to such conditions as carpal tunnel
syndrome, dialysis related amyloidosis, and degenerative bone disease in the ESRD patient.
Founded in 1997 to address current voids in ESRD treatment:

Stale Methodologies
Cost and Reimbursement Issues
Quality of Care Issues
Nephros technology focus:
Unique and cost-effective proprietary technologies
Marked improvements in treatment efficacy per unit time
Platforms: easy to use and maintain
Technology that integrates well with existing mfg and clinical
