日本精工株式会社 (英文名称:NSK Ltd.)
NSK 致力于深入开发高速旋转切割技术,凭借这项卓越的技术,NSK 向牙医业和其他行业提供了众多高品质、低成本,而且高性能的产品。根据“开发用户需要的产品”这一理念,NSK 以卓越的生产工艺和创新技术为依托,不断开发出适时适需的新产品,满足客户多样化的需要。
今天,NSK 产品在全世界 120 多个国家销售和使用。每个 NSK 产品都是在厂内设计、开发和制造的,并通过 NSK 的全球服务网络交付到您的手中。我们的优势来自于坚持推行“在厂内完成一切”的理念,从制造夹具、小部件到测试设备,无不亲历亲为。这能够使我们缩短上市时间,降低生产成本,并能实现生产高质量产品的目标。
NSK 公司在高速旋转切割技术方面的投资在不断的增加。公司决心迎接 21 世纪不断变化的新挑战,为牙科医业和工业的发展尽自己的一份力。
挑战会激励我们为满足 21 世纪的时时变化的需求而不断努力,为牙科行业的发展和工业应用的增长作出自己的贡献。
NSK自1916年在日本率先开始生产轴承以来,作为日本的轴承先锋,开发与提供各类轴承,为产业的发展和机械的进步做出了巨大贡献。现在,NSK在轴承领域,稳居日本首位,同时在全世界也位居前列。另外,NSK还利用生产轴承锤炼出的精密加工技术,从很早以前就开始通过向汽车零部件、精密机械产品、电子应用产品等领域的进军,推动多方位的事业拓展。从20世纪60 年代开始,积极开拓海外市场,迄今,NSK集团已达到在26个国家设有海外销售网点共76个,在12国家建立海外生产基地共40个(截至2010年3月12日)的规模。NSK通过全球网络,努力促进开发能力、生产能力、销售能力及经营管理能力的相互强化,争取更大地进步。
NSK has made a vital contribution to the growth and achievement of various machinery industries throughout its history. As a comprehensive bearing manufacturer, NSK responds to the needs of a wide variety of fields.
NSK inaugurated its business in November 1916 and produced the first ball bearings made in Japan. Since then, NSK Ltd. has developed a full range of bearings, which have been sold throughout the world and contributed greatly to the development of industries and the advancement of technology.
The company has used its expertise in precision machining technology, refined through years of bearing manufacturing to diversify into automotive products (steering column, EPS, etc.), precision machinery and parts (ball screw, linear slide, etc.) and mechatronic products. Since the 1960s, NSK has been aggressively developing its overseas markets in four key areas: the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Japan. At present, NSK Ltd. has 127 overseas sales operations in 25 countries, 12 global research and development centers, and operates more than 60 international manufacturing locations, including Clarinda, Iowa.
The first factory of NSK outside of Japan was founded in Brazil, in the estate of São Paulo in Suzano in the year of 1972.
NSK bought the RHP brand of bearings in 1990.
NSK has also made big developments in spherical roller bearings and on the Continuously variable transmission (CVT).
NSK is a World Bearing Association (WBA) member.