美国NobleGen Biosciences
一家位于马塞诸塞州的新创公司卓越基因(Noblegen)正在研发简化版纳米孔基因组测序技术(nanopore genome-sequencing technology)——这项技术使得平常需要复杂仪器来完成的高速廉价DNA测序充满希望。卓越基因公司去年春天建立,它称自己的技术能够直接快速地识读DNA序列,使得将测序技术带入临床检验科进行癌症和其他疾病的诊断在经济上变得切实可行。
卓越基因公司的首席执行官弗兰克·菲丝特(Frank Feist)说,公司的目标是以每秒50个碱基的速度进行测序。公司不会透露其目前样机的细节,但称此技术会扩增至400x400的纳米孔阵列,每小时测序量超过5千亿碱基(gigabases)——或者15分钟约30个人类基因组。
NobleGen Biosciences is building a novel DNA sequencing instrument to enable cost effective personalized medicine, based on highly differentiated IP exclusively licensed from Harvard University and Boston University.
NobleGen’s ‘Optipore’ DNA sequencing platform will be the first to take advantage of a highly effective nanopore-based DNA separation method, which incorporates high-speed optical detection. Low instrument cost and sub micro-liter sample volumes are possible through the use of custom solid-state nanochips, imaged by a simple optical configuration that employs state of the art sCMOS technology, and an off-line chemical DNA conversion process. The Optipore solution enables high accuracy and throughput providing a cost effective solution for whole genome sequencing. Noblegen’s goal is to offer the best cost and performance of any single molecule instrument truly transforming medical prevention, diagnosis and therapy.
Prof. Meller invented the Optipore optical nanopore sequencing technology at Harvard University between 2001 and 2005 and has been developing a prototype sequencer at Boston University since 2006. Prof. Meller has won multiple NIH/NHGRI and NSF awards for Optipore development ($8.3M total). First to publish results obtained from a laboratory prototype demonstrating very accurate, single molecule, multiplex reads of all 4 nucleotide bases from a nanopore array in 5/2010, Prof. Meller has been awarded a $4.2M/ 4 year extension grant in the latest (9/2010) round of NHGRI funding. NobleGen was incorporated in 2/2010 and exclusively licensed the Optipore technology from Harvard University and Boston University in 8/2010. NobleGen has raised seed funding including a highly competitive $200K Launch Award from Boston University.
NobleGen’s headquarters and biochemistry lab are located in Boston, MA.