
热门词: 进口电动温度调节阀结构图|进口电动温度调节阀数据表进口电动高温调节阀-德国进口电动高温法兰调节阀进口电动蒸汽调节阀-德国进口电动蒸汽调节阀

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自1989年以来,美国DeltaTRAK有限公司,(简称DTI公司),致力于生产高质量的便携式测试调校仪器,诸如:用于监测/记录温度和湿度数据的图表记录仪;电子数据记录仪;红外线温度计;以及普遍使用在食品行业,HACCP行业,以及生命科学行业中的各式热门的检测储存和运输的仪器工具。DeltaTRAK公司研发了技术先进的数据库分析软件,作为“冷链数控系统”, 即新鲜食品,或其他易腐烂产品的低温运输管理系统的一部分,连同无线监测/警报系统,在全球范围内广泛使用。

DeltaTRAK公司的革新技术—ColdTrak Program/“冷链数控系统”,包括冷链管理解决方案,确认质量保证,保护食品,生物制药,化学品,以及其它易腐烂的,或对温度敏感的商品,在加工、运输、处理和储藏各个环节中的安全。后续支持和物超所值的服务是“冷链数控系统”不可分割的部分。加上提供的第三方授权标准的服务,以遵循,追溯,确认及验证质量;当那些对温度敏感的商品惨遭破坏时,还可作为有力证据支持保险索赔。

美国DeltaTRAK公司,总部设在美国加州的普莱桑顿城市, R & D中心在圣地亚哥城市,生产和仓储分销中心在莫德斯托城市, 并于2003年5月在中国深圳建立了电子生产型企业金雋电子(深圳)有限公司。
Since 1989, DeltaTRAK, Inc. has been developing and manufacturing high quality portable test instruments such as chart recorders and data loggers that monitor / record temperature and humidity. We've subsequently developed affordable and dependable digital probe and infrared thermometers to provide better end-to-end cold chain management solutions. In addition, we have added state-of-the-art data download / management / analysis software to our data logger product line. Our products and services are depended on by businesses big and small around world.

Only DeltaTRAK offers the ColdTrak® Program, which includes cold chain management solutions for validation, quality assurance and safety of food, pharmaceuticals, chemicals and other perishable or temperature-sensitive commodities during processing, shipment, handling, and storage. Follow-up support and value-added services are an integral part of the ColdTrak program. A report of archived data is available upon request, including Web-hosted access. Third party certified calibration services are offered for compliance, traceability, validation, quality assurance, and for use as evidence to support insurance claims when temperature sensitive commodities have been damaged.

DeltaTRAK, headquartered in Pleasanton, California, also has offices in San Diego, California a main manufacturing and distribution facility in Modesto, California, as well as a joint venture electronic assembly operation in Shenzhen, China.
