NanoMEGAS was created in 2004 by a team of scientists and experts in the field of electron crystallography and catalysis.
Our tools are dedicated to help TEM and X-ray users to solve unknown nanocrystal structures using advanced electron diffraction tools in any TEM:
Our unique precession interface the Spinning Star in combination with electron diffractometer Pleiades can be adapted to any commercial TEM (100-400 kV , old as well as brand new) to convert them to powerful structure nanoanalysis tools.
Our scientists have a strong network of collaborations and research teams with leading Academic Institutions, including:
Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
Instituto de Tecnología Quimíca/UPV Valencia
University of Stockholm
University of Leiden
SiMAP University of Grenoble
IC CNR Institute of Crystallography Bari
University of Portland, Oregon USA
International Center for Diffraction Data ICDD