美时医疗 Time Medical
美时医疗是全球首家开发出高温超导线圈技术并将其用于磁共振扫描设备的临床应用的公司。该技术将人体图像分辨率与清晰度在现有仪器的基础上提高了200-300%。鉴于高温超导线圈技术作为近期全球磁共振成像领域的一大突破,全球知名的品牌和市场调研公司Frost & Sullivan授予美时医疗“2010年亚太地区医学影像产品年度创新产品奖”,这是中国企业首次获得此项国际年度创新大奖荣誉,并被人民日报誉为“瞄准百姓需求”的技术。
Professor Q.Y. Ma., Ph.D., the company’s founder, chairman and CEO, is a renowned leader in the fields of microelectronics and biomedical engineering.
Prof. Ma has more than 20 years of translational research and commercialization experience to his credit, is widely published, and holds more than dozen medical imaging technology patents. He earned his Ph.D from Columbia University in New York City, where he maintains his position as associate professor of engineering. He also is an associate professor of radiology at Harvard Medical School and Deputy director of the Jockey Club MRI Centre at the University of Hong Kong. Prof. Ma has a rich history of collaboration with leading biomedical device manufacturers and prestigious healthcare institutions in the U.S. and abroad.
Time Medical System (TM) was founded in 2007 by Prof. Ma, and his leadership team, includes an international group of scientists, engineers, clinicians, healthcare executives and business leaders with expertise in finance, public policy and solutions marketing. With more than 200 published papers and 30 patents to their credit, the group owns a strong intellectual property portfolio that that includes IP transferred from Columbia University and the University of Hong Kong.
TIME MEDICAL Systems is the first company to develop and deploy HTS coil technology for use with clinical MRI scanners. Already, HTS coil technology has proven effective at overcoming the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) limitations inherent in conventional copper RF coils.
HTS Coil Technology provides a range of image quality benefits across routine and advanced clinical applications and can be applied using low-, high- or ultra-high-field MRI scanners. Additionally, HTS coils can be tuned to different frequencies, enabling hydrogen, sodium, phosphorus or other clinically-useful nuclei to be imaged. In recent imaging studies using ultra-high field MRI scanners, the SNR from HTS coils improved by 200 - 300% compared with conventional copper RF coils. Time Medical is developing a series of dedicated MRI system, including Orthopedic MR - Mona, the world first Neonatal MRI - Neona, the first breast scanner.