Mederi Therapeutics 生产和销售能输送射频能量对影响人类消化系统的疾病状态予以治疗的创新医疗设备。所有 Mederi 疗法都在门诊治疗,采用微创方式,并且能促进迅速康复。Mederi Therapeutics 位于康涅狄格州格林威治
Stretta 疗法是治疗胃食管反流病的一种微创疗法,是对药品治疗反应不佳的胃食管反流病患者的一种有效方案。Stretta 将射频能量输送至食管下括约肌和胃贲门。无数临床研究已经表明 Stretta 是一种安全、有效并且持久的疗法选择。接受 Stretta 疗法不排除根据患者病情进一步采取更多微创治疗。
Mederi Therapeutics manufactures and markets innovative medical devices that deliver radiofrequency energy to treat disease. Mederi Therapeutics holds over 80 patents in the use of RF energy for treatment of disease states affecting the human digestive system. The first two products — Secca, for treatment of bowel incontinence or BCD (bowel control disorder) and Stretta, for treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) — have demonstrated clinical effectiveness in numerous studies. All Mederi therapies are outpatient (same day), minimally invasive (no incisions) and promote rapid recovery for patients. Mederi Therapeutics is located in Greenwich, Connecticut.