美国Micro Imaging Technology, Inc
MIT 是一家总部位于加利福尼亚的上市公司,已开发了快速检测的微生物鉴定系统并申请了专利,该系统令病原体鉴定工作发生了革命性变化,每年能够挽救数千人的生命,并能够节省数千万美元的资金。该系统能在数分钟内鉴定出细菌(而不是数天),与传统方法相比,每次检测能够节省大笔费用。该系统不需使用化学或生物制剂、常规处理、荧光标签、气相色谱分析或 DNA 分析。该系统处理工作完全绿色环保,只需一点纯净水及未知细菌的样本。每年全部快速检测方法的收益已超过50亿美元 -- 食品安全占到了其中的35亿美元以上,并且从2003年以来就在以年均10.2%的速度增长。
该系统以激光技术为基础,综合采用了已经证实的光散射原理及专利性的 PC 软件算法,用以鉴定微生物并创建专有数据库。通过独立的测试,MIT 已经证明了该系统具备高精确鉴定大多数弥散性危险病原体的能力,如大肠杆菌、李斯特氏杆菌、沙门氏菌、金黄色葡萄球菌 (a.k.a. Staph) 及其它20余种细菌。
MIT 1000 具有广泛的鉴定用途,包括食品质量控制、临床诊断、药品质量保证、半导体处理控制及水质监测等。MIT 已决定初期工作将重点关注食品质量控制,因为最近发生的事件急需有速度更快、费用更低的检测方法 -- 这种需求会为在 MIT 技术上的投资带来丰厚回报。
MIT is a California-based public company that has developed and patented a rapid microbial ID System that can revolutionize the pathogenic ID process and annually save thousands of lives and tens of millions of dollars. The System IDs bacteria in minutes, not days, and at a significant per test cost savings when compared to any conventional method. It does not rely on chemical or biological agents, conventional processing, fluorescent tags, gas chromatography or DNA analysis. The process is totally GREEN requiring only clean water and a sample of the unknown bacteria. Revenues for all rapid testing methods exceed $5 billion annually -- with food safety accounting for over $3.5 billion and are expanding at an average rate of 10.2 percent annually since 2003.
The System is laser based and uses the proven principles of light scattering in conjunction with proprietary PC-based software algorithms to ID microbes and create a proprietary database. MIT, through independent testing, has proven the ability with high accuracy to ID the most dangerous and pervasive pathogens; E. coli, Listeria, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus aureus (a.k.a. Staph) and twenty (20) other species of bacterium.
The MIT 1000 System has numerous ID applications including food quality control, clinical diagnostics, pharmaceutical quality assurance, semiconductor processing control and water quality monitoring. MIT has chosen to focus initial efforts on food quality control as recent events have created an urgent demand for quicker and cheaper testing -- demands that will promote a high-value return on any investment in MIT's technology.