德国Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH
作为微电极阵列MEA记录技术的领先者,Multichannel Systems公司依靠其强大的技术开发和设计能力,在原有的ME-System的基础上,研制成功采用USB通讯接口技术的在体记录系统,16通道采集记录满足了对通道数要求不多的实验,而高达50kHz的采样速率确保每个有价值的数据不被丢失。是当今市场上具有优越性价比的微电极记录产品。
MC_Rack 采集分析软件
* 16通道微电极记录系统
* 完全满足研究人员对在体动物和离体组织的研究需要
* 采用了滤波放大和数据采集一体化设计
* 采样率达到惊人的50kHz,确保采集到所有有价值的放电信号,
* 高速USB2.0通讯端口可与便携电脑连接
* 可通过DLL文件由客户自己程序控制
* 体积小巧,使用方便,可移动性强
Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH was founded in 1996 and is based at the Science and Technology Park in Reutlingen in Southwest Germany.
The main focus of our company is the development of precision scientific measuring instrumentation and equipment for research groups at universities and for the pharmaceutical industry, in the field of electrophysiology. MCS products reduce the labor intensive measuring and analyzing processes through miniaturization and automation.
Our goal is the consequential implantation of custom-oriented and innovative technologies. The development according to customers needs means development near to the specific applications. Therefore the support team consists of specialists for all biological, hard- and, software questions.
Furthermore we are in a permanent dialog with scientists and strive to be at the cutting edge of technology. This opens up our high innovation potential- additionally we are constantly involved in several national and international projects.
All this makes us to the market leader in the field of non-clinical multi-electrode array electrophysiology worldwide. In doing so we are assisted by 15 distribution partners worldwide.