美国MST Technology
MST Technology 公司隶属于美国霍尼韦尔公司。 MST Technology 公司研发,生产和推广创新的气体侦测解决方案,广泛运用于半导体,汽车,石油化工,生物医药和燃料电池领域。
19 年以来, MST Technology 公司始终致力于保护针对危险气体和有毒化学品的安全操作,确保个人防护和系统监控。MST Technology 的产品线包括中央控制和单点控制的固定气体侦测系统和便携式个人防护气体侦测仪器。其可侦测的气体种类繁多,包括各种有毒气体,腐蚀性气体和可燃气体。所有 MST Technology 的仪器和系统都能被工业标准软件所支持的先进可视记录程序操作系统所监控。
从 1986 年在德国创建以来, MST Technology 已经成长为一个完整生命安全产品和系统的全球性的主导供应商。其总部设于德国慕尼黑和美国芝加哥,在北美,欧洲各国和亚洲的中国,台湾地区,新加坡,日本,韩国都有分支机构。MST 是在众多工业领域提供电化学式传感器的前沿领导着。这种电化学传感器非常容易更换以利适应不同工业不同气体的要求。这样的通用型的侦测器只需要通过更换传感器就可以灵活,简单,快速地运用于不同的气体侦测中,而这些只需要购买新的传感器然后插在侦测器上那么简便,不增加任何额外费用。MST 有另外一种新产品叫气体合成监测( ACM ),它特殊设计的中控可以精确地分析来自 40 个取样点的混合气体并且克服任何干扰。
ACM 100 运用傅立叶转红外技术对每一种气体的唯一的指纹化识别的光谱进行分析。 ACM 100 可以同时检测 40 个抽取式取样点,每个点可以同时分析出最多 15 种气体而没有任何互相干扰。 每一个 MST 服务部门的成员都是经过严格考核和充分培训的,其服务团队能提供给客户全天候的咨询和现场支持。我们的服务中心根据客户需求提供快速反应的维修,校正,升级和日常保养的服务。无论是回收服务还是现场服务, MST 始终给予客户及时专业的帮助。随着技术的沿革, MST 的系统设计,集成和系统应用的工程人员随时准备运用拓扑学的成果来改进系统。
MST 多年的经验能使其非常方便的将侦恻产品无缺陷的集成到客户需求化的系统中, 并且明确地解释客户可选用的附加功能。 MST 的工程师有十多年从业经验,他们能帮助客户规划最佳的方案。
MST Technology Company Profile
Innovative Solutions for Total Life Safety Requirements
MST Technology – an Entity of Honeywell Life Safety – develops, manufactures and distributes innovative gas detection solutions for the semiconductor, automotive, chemical/petrochemical, pharmaceutical and fuel cell industries. MST Technology’s range of products include centralized, point-of-use, portable and personal gas detectors for a wide variety of toxic, corrosive and flammable gases. It always has been MST Technology’s mission to assure the safe handling of dangerous gases and toxic chemicals by providing personal and facility wide detection systems. Founded in Germany in 1983 to manufacture the MSTox, a portable instrument for personal gas detection, MST Technology has transformed into the leading Global supplier of turnkey life safety products and solutions.
MST Technology is headquartered in Munich, Germany with subsidiaries in Chicago Illinois, Taiwan, China, Singapore and other European countries.
MST Technology also provides System Integration and Engineering Services. These include comprehensive Life Safety System design or integration of new components to existing safety systems. Utilizing advanced components, communication technologies and design concepts MST Technology continues to lead the competition.
Advantage MST - Design, Quality and Innovation
MST - Life Safety Systems
MST Life Safety Systems provides comprehensive solutions for the detection, control and management of dangerous materials found in a semiconductor fab. Gases and chemicals utilized in a fab can threaten people, the environment and result in business interruptions if released accidentally. Other hazards such as liquid leaks, fire, smoke, earthquakes, necessitate the highest level of vigilance in the management and control of production materials. An effective Life Safety System must be capable of controlling all of these potential hazards to ensure a safe and reliable production environment. MST Technology’s highly trained engineering staff is specialized in evaluating and meeting the unique system requirements of each client’s facility.
MST - Innovative Solutions
MST Technology is constantly investigating and developing new technologies to grow their offering of quality gas detection products. Whether its new products for existing markets or new applications for new markets, MST Technology’s passion is innovation. Present projects include the innobadge – a new generation of portable gas detectors, and the Hydrogen Sensor Module – a small and cost effective detection instrument for the safe use of Hydrogen.