美国丹纳(Danatronics)公司生产的视频检测内窥镜在无损检测行业享有盛名。长期以来,该产品一直以其出类拔萃的技术引领着行业的发展。丹纳公司凭借着先进的管理、精湛的技术及四十多年的开发、研制及制造经验,目前推出了一系列全新性能的视频检测内窥镜,它采用了TFT-LDT显示技术、CCD 摄像技术及数字技术。产品质量高度可靠;视频图像异常清晰,检测功能非常强大,具有与计算机通讯功能。可应用于许多不同的场合,而且在恶劣的环境下,能保持最佳检测性能。目前在全球已广泛应用于工业(检查机械、管道、容器、阀门和焊缝…)、建筑物(检查墙后、天花板内的线路及管道…)、航空(检查飞机机身,发动机及仪表盘…)、车辆(查看仪表盘下面和火花塞内部…)等的维护及公共安全行业检查(搜寻与营救; 检查车辆及犯罪现场…),并获得全球用户的高度好评。
Danatronics Corporation is a new high technology company specializing in the field of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT). We are very proud to introduce our new world-wide headquarters located at 150A Andover Street in Danvers, Massachusetts. We are located in the lower left, beautiful rounded glass section. Our Mission is to provide the highest level of product innovation and quality as well as an outstanding level of customer satisfaction. Danatronics corporation combines the experience of more than 45 years of NDT know-how in the areas of Ultrasonic transducers, thickness gages and flaw detectors as well as offerings in Hall-effect thickness gages and video inspection equipment. Our staff combines the talents of key personnel who have invented, developed, marketed and sold Ultrasonic NDT electronics on a global basis for the last four decades.