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新西兰Living Cell Technologies (LCT)
Living Cell Technologies (LCT)是全球开发革命性活细胞新产品的先驱,致力于用作治疗糖尿病、神经系统疾病和血友病的产品。





LCT is a cell implant company, incorporated in Australia with operations in New Zealand, that is focused on developing living cell products for the treatment of diabetes and neurological diseases.We have collaborations in Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, Germany, Italy, Russia and the U.S. LCT is internationally recognised for its research and development of therapies in disease areas that typically have no cure or poor treatment options. Our most advanced therapy, DIABECELL® for Type 1 diabetes is in Phase IIb trials. The lives of more than 20 million people with Type 1 diabetes may well change as preliminary clinical trial information has shown that two patients with long standing insulin dependent diabetes did not require daily insulin injections after treatment with DIABECELL for a period of up to 32 weeks after treatment. The majority of patients treated to date with low initial doses have shown improvement of diabetes control with better glycated haemoglobin (%HbA1c) levels.

The ground-breaking early results with DIABECELL demonstrate that LCT is at the forefront of technological advancements both in cell bioprocessing and cell encapsulation with its proprietary biocompatible alginate.

LCT is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX:LCT) and the US-based OTCQX (OTCQX:LVCLY).
