LAVERSAB公司成立于1982年,多年来作为美国国防部和其他的政府机构的授权供应商,Laversab为美国空军(US Air Force),美国空军(US Army),美国海军(US Navy)和其他的政府机构提供了高性能耐用的军品级产品。全世界的军事权威机构均和民用飞机都采用LAVERSAB大气数据测试系统作为飞行器地面标准测试设备。其中Model 6300 已经被波音飞机公司(Boeing),空中客车飞机公司(Airbus)和赛斯纳(Cessna)等公司指定为他们飞机生产制造和维修保养的测试维修的标准设备。
Founded in 1982, Laversab began as a key supplier to governments worldwide for high accuracy, pressure calibration instrumentation. As an audited and approved subcontractor to the United States Department of Defense, Laversab supplies highly rugged, military-specification products for the US Air Force and US Navy, as well as other government agencies. Most major aircraft manufacturers, and numerous airlines around the world, are also Laversab customers.
With extensive knowledge and experience in the design and manufacture of industrial equipment, Laversab applied this technology to the design of industrial computers in 1991. Today, the company has two distinct product lines -- High Accuracy Pressure Systems and Industrial Computer Products. With its dedication to Customer-Driven Product Development and Total Quality Assurance, both of Laversab's product lines continually compete at the forefront of their respective markets.
Laversab's headquarters and manufacturing facilities are located in the Southwest district of Houston, Texas. From these modern facilities, Laversab commands a worldwide channel of sales representatives and distributors reaching a wide variety of scientific, government, and industrial markets, including a current customer base of over 50 Fortune 500 companies.