德国Lemna Tec
“高通量植物3D成像技术”,该项技术发明人、德国Lemna Tec公司CEO——Dirk Vandenhirtz博士.本技术可以全自动高通量对植物进行成像分析,包括可见光成像、近红外成像、热(红外)成像、荧光成像、X-光成像等;测量参数包括植物的结构、高度、宽度、密度、叶长、叶宽、叶面积、叶角度、叶颜色、茎宽、茎长、茎体积、对称性、根长、根角度、根分布、叶病斑、种子颜色、种子颜色面积等等几十个参数;适用材料包括既包括拟南芥等模式植物,叶包括绝大多数的农作物和蔬菜;特别适用于大规模快速的植物表型筛选、植物病理分析、植物抗旱研究、植物结构研究、植物根系研究、植物种子筛选和鉴定等领域;是构建全自动高通量温室的理想选择,并且可做到根据成像结果对植株进行分选。
LemnaTec’s team of scientists develops hard- and software solutions for Plant Phenomics, high-throughput and high-content screening of seedlings, insects and other organisms and for the automated evaluation of bio tests in ecotoxicology. Digital images are primarily taken by the Scanalyzer systems PL, HTS and 3D, all set up in a modular design. Using advanced LemnaTec image processing algorithms, every visible sample parameter (e. g. colour, shape, size, architecture) is subsequently measured and correlated with experimental records (e. g. genetic data). Our aim: to visualise and analyse the biology beyond human vision.