英国Life Sciences Research
Life Sciences是一家合同研究机构,为制药、生物技术和农业化学公司提供产品开发服务。该公司帮助客户在动物身上试验药品和化学品,以帮助确认潜在风险。
Life Sciences Research是Huntingdon Life Sciences的母公司,并且在英格兰的Huntingdon和Eye,以及新泽西州的普林斯顿拥有工厂。
Life Sciences Research is one of the world's leading Contract Research Organizations (CROs), providing pre-clinical and non-clinical biological safety evaluation research services to most of the world's leading pharmaceutical, biotechnology, agrochemical and industrial chemical companies. LSR's services are designed to meet the regulatory requirements of governments around the world, and are an indispensable part of safely developing new drugs to manage and improve mankind’s health.
The Company is based in the United States, with a professional and support staff of over 1,400 working in facilities near Princeton (NJ), and Huntingdon and Eye, England.