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LightLab imaging
LightLab imaging LightLab imaging

美国LightLab imaging 
LightLab imaging 公司是一家以光学干涉断层成像系统(OCT)等血管内超声产品研发为主的国际性公司,于1998年2月成立,总部在美国。Lightlab公司拥有具备国际领先水平、实力雄厚的科技研发团队,其员工主要来自于麻省理工学院(MIT)、哈佛大学(Harvard)、林肯(Lincoln)实验室、卡尔.蔡司(Carl Zeiss )公司、惠普(HP)公司,安捷伦科技公司(Agilent),波士顿科学公司(BSC)和巴德公司(Bard),他们不仅具有丰富的医疗和器械行业经验,而且是OCT研发和应用领域的专家。

OCT是一种新的高分辨率高速血管内成像方式,它综合了先进的光学技术、超敏感探测和计算机图像处理技术,可快速获得血管内结构的断层图像。同时作为“体内的组织学显微镜”,OCT成像系统已经成为评价不稳定斑块和支架治疗效果的理想手段。其知识产权来自于麻省理工学院(MIT), 哈佛大学(Harvard University), 马萨诸塞州总医院(Massachusetts General Hospital), 塔夫茨大学(Tufts University), 美敦力(Medtronic)及蔡司基金会(the Zeiss Foundation)。

OCT产品一直受到全世界临床医学研究工作者的关注,在近年来的国际科学和医学会议中也备受瞩目。LightLab Imaging公司为OCT产品制定了全球化的发展战略。公司秉承的使命是:为冠心病早期诊断及介入治疗提供更早、更精准的临床诊断数据。


LightLab Imaging is focused on developing Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). OCT is a new high-resolution high-speed imaging modality that uses advanced photonics for imaging and tissue characterization. Our mission is to help physicians make earlier and more accurate diagnosis of a wide range of diseases including heart disease and cancer.

OCT has been the subject of intensive, worldwide research efforts and is featured prominently at international scientific and medical conferences. LightLab has developed a strong portfolio of fundamental OCT patents.

LightLab Imaging was founded in February of 1998. The President and CEO is David Kolstad.

LightLab employees include pioneers in the development and application of OCT from MIT, Harvard, Lincoln Laboratory and Carl Zeiss, Inc. Company executives and staff also contribute a strong knowledge of heath care and medical device development with significant experience in device development, manufacturing and marketing with companies such as Hewlett-Packard, Agilent Technologies, Boston Scientific and C.R. Bard.

LightLab Imaging has a strong intellectual property position with technology acquired from MIT, Harvard University, Massachusetts General Hospital, Tufts University, Medtronic, and the Zeiss Foundation, as well as numerous internally developed patents.

