英国Cussons Technology
Cussons Technology 公司1872 年成立于英国曼彻斯特,它是一家在科研、开发和教学仪器产品方面享有盛誉的公司。如今该公司为国际客户提供全方位的产品和服务。
Cussons Technology 公司船舶水动力研究系统部是合并德国 Kempf & Remmers 公司后成立的。
Kempf & Remmers 公司海洋水动力研究部门由于设计和制造了大量优秀的特殊力测量仪表和测试设备系统产品,而赢得了全世界的赞誉。这些设备主要包括船体设计的评估、推进系统、船体、海洋平台及其他的海洋建筑在各种水面及水下的抗风浪特性评估。
结合Cussons Technology 公司在设计、加工、安装及操作方面的技术和经验与 Kempf & Remmers 公司的商业结构,缔造了世界上最强大的船舶水动力教学科研公司。
Cussons Technology was founded towards the end of the nineteenth century. An organisation which today has a proven history of successful operations as a manufacturer and supplier of equipment used for engineering teaching, research and product test applications. Product development, project business development and a major acquisition has produced substantial growth and growth potential in recent years. The latest major project to be completed is the design and equipping of an engine and emissions research facility at a cost of ?5 Million for the Government of Indonesia. Other major clients include the U.K. Ministry of Defence for facilities related to engine and gearbox proving following repair, Petroleum Authority of Thailand for engine test beds related to oil product development and most of the high technology teaching and training establishment worldwide for a wide range of laboratory teaching equipment. The acquisition in 1997 by Cussons of the previously German based Kempf and Remmers Marine Hydrodynamic research business has opened up a new area of activity. Production of dynamometers and other equipment used in the field of hydrodynamic research and the design and installation of complete towing carriages and cavitation tunnels is now fully integrated into the business and growing rapidly. Instrumentation and modern control of existing facilities is becoming a major activity for Cussons.
With Cussons unique pedigree has evolved a commitment to the continuous development of products and services, customer and employee care, dedication to Total Quality Management and flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances.