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Koning Koning

科宁公司创立于2002年,是一家国际医疗成像设备公司,在纽约州西亨利埃塔和中国天津(科宁天津医疗设备有限公司)设有办事处,开发并销售用于疾病检测、诊断和治疗及其它医疗应用的“最先进的”锥光束 CT 扫描系统。科宁乳腺 CT 技术和系统的开发获得了美国国家卫生研究所 (NIH) /美国癌症研究所 (NCI) 的 SBIR 补助 (1R44 CA103236) 和 SBIR Bridge Grant (2R44 CA 103236-05)。这些经费补助得益于罗彻斯特大学许可并开发的专利,包括利用美国国家卫生研究所/美国癌症研究所的补助 1R01CA085904 提出锥光束 CT 理念,以及利用探索/发展性 1R21/R33CA094300 补助探索利用锥光束 CT 理念改进乳腺成像的潜力。科宁公司目前在寻求获得美国食品与药品管理局和中国国家食品药品监督管理局的许可以及加拿大医疗设备许可。科宁将最先在欧洲销售科宁乳腺 CT 系统。一旦这些监管许可获批,该产品还将销往美国、中国、加拿大和其它国际市场。


Koning Corporation is an International Medical Imaging Company developing advanced imaging systems which combine the advantages of Digital X-ray and Computed Tomography called Cone Beam CT.

The Company’s cornerstone product, Koning Breast CT, is focused on a growing worldwide women’s health issue… the early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer.

Utilizing an exam table and a horizontal CT gantry for comfortable prone positioning of the patient without compression of the breast tissue, Koning Breast CT captures hundreds of volumetric images in a 10 second rotation creating “true” 3D images and cross sectional slices. Compared to current 2D breast imaging technologies Koning Breast CT virtually eliminates tissue overlap and superimposition of structures which is often responsible for failure to diagnose breast cancer early...when it is most treatable.
