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Konarka Konarka



Konarka Technologies is more than a lofty vision. We’re a global company with market-focused goals:
To expand the use of solar technology to a world of new applications
To generate a substantial ROI for Konarka shareholders
To sustain a first-class research capability and attract world-class talent
Bring off-grid power to the developing world and help alleviate poverty

Konarka Technologies was founded in 2001 by a team of scientists at UMass Lowell, led by the late Dr. Sukant Tripathy, an internationally known materials scientist and professor at UMASS Lowell, Dr. Alan Heeger, a 2000 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry and Howard Berke, Konarka’s Executive Chairman. 


The company's impressive technical innovations have led to investments of over $150 million in private capital and $20 million in government research grants to date – as well as exciting collaborations with solar technology scientists throughout the world.

Konarka has grown rapidly since 2001.  Our staff of over 80 people worldwide includes many of the world’s top thin film photovoltaic scientists.   In 2008, Konarka introduced Power Plastic to the commercial market. In 2009, we opened our large-scale manufacturing plant in New Bedford, Massachusetts and introduced seven standard panels suitable for microelectronics, portable power and remote power applications.
