日本共立Kyoritsu Electrical Instruments Works, Ltd.,
日本共立-kyoritsu:日本共立仪器公司(日本KYORITSU株式会社)自1940年成立以来,一直秉承“高品质和高质量是我们的一贯传统”的宗旨,所研制开发的电力电工测试仪器以KYORITSU,KEWTECH两个品牌的销售遍布世界各个角落,在电力电工行业处于世界领先地位。公司在日本,泰国,意大利,英国,中国等地分别设立了现地法人公司和办事处,并在全球一些主要国家设立了分销代理公司,产品远销超过120个国家,在国际上享有很高的声益。 公司已通过ISO9001质量体系认证,产品符合CE、UL等安全标准,同时不少产品也已获得专利权。产品包括:万用表、钳形表、绝缘测试仪、接地电阻测试仪、漏电开关测试仪、漏电记录仪、相序表、照度计、测温仪、多功能测试仪、电力计等,我们产品广泛应用于电力、电信、冶金、机电、 铁路、石油、化工、建筑电气等行业和部门。
Since it's founding in 1940, Kyoritsu has made customer satisfaction and providing high quality products and services our top priorities. Our emphasis on customer support has helped us to build strong and lasting customer and distributor relationships that continue today.
State of the art electrical measurement technology products are the backbone of our company's business. Our wide line of testers has contributed to technological developments and industrial infrastructures worldwide.
In the future companies will be faced with significant changes and will need to be adaptable to the requirements brought about by new technologies.
Also, we recognize the importance of being responsible with regard to global-environmental issues that affect all of us. It is our sincere hope, to not only sustain our business development but also look to the future for next generation.
For that reason Kyoritsu pledges to embrace technologies and manufacturing processes that will contribute to environmental solutions.
On behalf of myself and all the Kyoritsu employees and distributors, thank you for your patronage. Your business is appreciated.