捷仪 GCE,Gas Control Equipment,
GCE 拥有四大业务部门:切割&焊接、医疗、高纯气体和工业气体。
旗下品牌包括:AGA, Autogen, BOC, BIG, Charledave, DruVa, ESAB, Mediline, Mujelli, Murex, Propaline and Rhöna,它们在各自的行业领域都是市场的佼佼者。 除了拥有ISO9001质量证书,GCE 产品还通过了BAM, BSI, Norske Veritas, US DOT, UL, CEN, DIN 和 SIS等多种标准的测试和认证。其中医疗产品获得欧盟CE市场认证,许多产品同时还符合ISO 14000环境标准。
GCE 的创立最早可追溯到二十世纪初,当时氧气乙炔切割焊接技术被首次使用。1987年,两家欧洲气体控制设备的领先生产商合并,成立了今天的GCE集团。
经过100多年在高压气体控制设备行业的探索,GCE 的主营业务已由原先氧-乙炔切割、焊接的单一业务发展到如今的多条产品线,从简单的气体减压阀到用于切割、焊接的吹管,再到医疗、电子行业中复杂的气体供应系统,丰富的产品线可适应行业内各种不用的应用。
GCE 集团近年来发展迅速,通过并购重组已成为欧洲气体控制行业的霸主,总部位于瑞典的马尔默市,销售市场覆盖整个欧洲及其他世界主要市场。生产中心在捷克、波兰和中国。其中,位于Chotebor的捷克工厂更是集团辐射全球的生产服务中心,那里地理位置优越,离首都布拉格仅两小时的车程。集团的两大仓储中心:欧洲物流中心位于布拉格北部的科拉诺市;北欧物流中心位于马尔默市。目前集团公司在全球拥有超过1200位员工
上海GCE 气体控制设备有限公司是 GCE 集团设立在中国的独资公司,总部位于瑞典,早在20世纪初就致力于气体控制设备的开发和制造。上海GCE成立于2007年3月,位于上海市奉贤区,是集团服务亚洲市场的销售服务中心。
上海GCE 气体控制设备有限公司
The GCE Group is Europe's leading gas-equipment company and is organised according to four business areas: Process Applications, Cutting and Welding, Medical and High Purity.
Today's product portfolio corresponds to a large variety of applications, from simple pressure regulators and blowpipes for cutting and welding to sophisticated gas supply systems for medical and electronics industry applications. GCE's portfolio includes a large number of brands such as Butbro, Charledave, DruVa, Mediline, Mujelli, Propaline, Rhöna and Sabre Medical, which are leaders within their own respective regional markets and applications.
The group has in total 18 subsidiaries located in China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden and the UK, with additional local sales offices in Austria, Denmark and the Netherlands. The countries are organized in seven geographic areas.
The GCE Group's headquarters are located in Malmö, Sweden, and its main production units are in the Czech Republic and China. The main site is in the Czech factory approximately two hours' drive east of Prague. Besides production central functions such as R&D, IT, Supply Chain Management, purchasing and logistics are based here. The company has one major central warehouse north of Prague. From our central stock location we service more than 8,000 customers across the world.
In addition to certification according to the ISO 9001 quality standard, products are tested and certified by BAM, BSI, Norske Veritas, US DOT , UL, CEN, DIN and SIS, among others. All units connected with medical products have EN approvals for CE marking.
The GCE Group has grown rapidly since its establishment and is leading the restructuring of the European gas-equipment industry through mergers and acquisitions. The group currently employs approximately 900 people.