美国CRAIC Technologies
CRAIC QDI 系列显微分光光度分析系统以其无以伦比的质量性能,简单易用的操作界面及专业化的售后服务为显微学及光谱学开辟了崭新的应用空间。
CRAIC QDI 系列显微分光光度分析系统不仅能获得显微样品的高质量图像,还可以对显微样品进行全光谱(紫外-可见-近红外)定性定量测量分析。光谱范围可从200nm延伸到2100nm。而且可用多种方式测量:
l 透射或吸收
l 反射
l 荧光
l 偏振
美国CRAIC 公司还与客户密切沟通,开发出了UVM系列全光显微镜。
美国CRAIC 公司的全光(紫外-可见-近红外)显微镜专为获得常规显微镜无法得到的显微图像而设计。紫外-可见-近红外显微镜具有亚微米级分辨率,能够对深紫外和近红外波段成像。具有很强的适应性,集多种先进的显微成像技术于一身。
CRAIC Technologies manufactures superior microspectrophotometers for science and industrial applications. We specialize in the UV, visible and NIR regions and pride ourselves in making the finest tools for the finest minds.
Since CRAIC's founding, our mission has been to become the leading provider of superior quality optical tools and superior support for the customers who use those tools. We manufacture the best quality microspectrophotometers and UV-visible-NIR microscopes and Raman microspectrometers bar none.
The Company
Since its inception, CRAIC has specialized in optical tools for the ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared regions. Products include microspectrophotometers (also known as microspectrometers or microscope spectrometers) that is able to take spectra of samples smaller than a micron. CRAIC has also designed and built UV-visible-NIR range microscopes. Full spectral range fluorescence, transmission, and reflectance spectra and images can be acquired from any microscopic sample non-destructively and without contact with these tools. CRAIC manufactures both scientific grade systems in addition to specialized systems for industries such as semiconductor inspection and pharmaceutical metrology. CRAIC also makes NIST Traceable Standards, the only ones in the world specifically designed for microspectrophotometers, and specialized software packages.
CRAIC specializes in the following micro-analytical techniques:
UV-Visible-NIR microspectroscopy
UV-visible-NIR microscopy
Color microspectroscopy
Transmission microspectroscopy & microscopy
Reflectance microspectroscopy & microscopy
Fluorescence microspectroscopy & microscopy
Polarization microspectroscopy & microscopy
Raman microspectroscopy
Film thickness measurements
Spectral modeling
CRAIC has more experience designing, developing, manufacturing and installing microspectrophotometers than anyone. CRAIC is committed to maintaining the highest level excellence for its' products and service.