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Ivoclar Vivadent
Ivoclar Vivadent Ivoclar Vivadent

义获嘉伟瓦登特Ivoclar Vivadent
义获嘉伟瓦登特公司位于列支敦士登的沙恩, 几十年来在全世界专业人士中享有盛誉,是世界著名的最大的牙科跨国公司之一, 其下属二十个分公司, 分别在美国, 加拿大, 德国, 英国, 法国, 瑞士, 意大利, 西班牙, 奥地利, 澳大利亚, 新西兰等国, 并在中国上海设立了代表处。我们公司拥有雄厚的科研力量、严密的产品质量控制,以及完善的技术支持和强大的售后服务,使其产品不断的在全球齿科器材同类产品中处于顶尖、主导地位。

牙科工业一直是列支敦士登的重要产业, 义获嘉伟瓦登特公司就是其中最主要的代表. 其产品受到世界各地客户的长期认可和支持, 包括铸瓷系统, 低温烤瓷系统, 树脂牙, 总义齿排牙系统, 瓷化树脂, 粘接材料, 光固化灯等材料和设备。优异的质量,杰出的美观性以及现代化产品的人机工程学设计,一切以满足客户的最高需求为己任。我们的产品不仅可以提高牙医和技师的工作效率,而且可以大大减轻患者的痛苦,提高人类的口腔保健水平。

义获嘉伟瓦登特公司与世界各地许多著名牙科大学保持紧密的联系, 不断研制开发最新的产品和技术。义获嘉伟瓦登特国际牙科教育中心 (ICDE) 也是世界著名的牙科培训中心,其教师来自世界各地, 大多为著名的牙医和技工大师, 为各国培养了大批的专业人才。 义获嘉伟瓦登特北京培训中心于2001年6月正式落成, 成为亚洲第一个ICDE成员, 2005年, 培训中心迁往上海, 继续为全国各地的牙医与技师提供完善而专业的技术培训和服务。

义获嘉伟瓦登特中国上海代表处自成立以来,本着开发和服务中国齿科市场的信念,通过组织各种形式的讲座和培训班,将最优质的产品和最尖端的技术引进中国。与此同时,我们也积极参与各地展会及学术交流活动,并不断地扩大销售网络,到目前我们公司在中国已拥有了一批专业的而充满活力的员工和代理商队伍, 分布在全国各地, 持续不断的为各地的客户提供着专业而热情的服务!


It all started with the production of artificial ceramic teeth. Today, Ivoclar Vivadent is a global company offering a comprehensive range of innovative products and systems for dentists and dental technicians.

What began in Zurich in 1923 with the production of artificial teeth has evolved into a leading international dental company with a comprehensive product and system range for dentists and dental technicians. Headquartered in Schaan, Principality of Liechtenstein, Ivoclar Vivadent AG has been a privately owned company since its inception. Products are shipped from here to 120 countries worldwide. As a global player, Ivoclar Vivadent has its own subsidiaries and marketing and sales offices in 21 countries and with more than 2400 employees throughout the world.

Ivoclar Vivadent operates one of the largest Research & Development centres in the dental industry. A team of more than 130 experts is committed to developing integrated concepts and cooperating with renowned institutions and universities on a daily basis. Ivoclar Vivadent’s innovations are the result of the interplay of technical feasibility, market orientation and experience. Its developments have proven their worth in practical use.

Ongoing further education and training is one of the cornerstones of Ivoclar Vivadent. The International Center for Dental Education (ICDE) in Schaan is among the most modern course and training centres worldwide. Regional training centres around the globe complete the ICDE’s offerings and ensure a high level of technical knowledge and skill relating to Ivoclar Vivadent products and systems.
