iCubate, iRepertoire 两个公司都是以 arm-PCR 技术为核心技术的公司。iCubate以做仪器和感染性疾病诊断产品为主;iRepretoire 则以免疫组库方面的产品和服务为主。因为经营模式不同(一个买产品,另一个买技术和信息)所以在一开始就把他们分离干净,这样才方便和不同的公司谈合作。对iCubate感兴趣的是传统的感染性疾病诊断公司;而对iRepertoire公司感兴趣的会是药厂,疫苗生产厂和科研院校。
iRepertoire is proud to be the first to provide the most complete tool sets for immune repertoire research using the next generation high throughput sequencing approach. Our products include:
A library of an immune repertoire, constructed from pooled samples and sequenced, to be used as a positive control for your studies. The known CDR3 distribution of the library will help you evaluate your methodology and optimize your protocols.
A complete set of reagents (see the chart on the right) allows you to amplify immune repertoire from human or mouse T and B cells. You can chose the reagents to fit the sequencing platforms of your choice (Roche 454, or Illumina Solexa). We also provide barcoded primer sets which allow you to pool up to 20 samples together for one sequencing run to reduce your cost.
If you prefer, we also provide immune repertoire amplification, even sequencing and data analysis services.