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iPierian iPierian

iPierian公司是2009年7月 iZumi Bio, Inc.与Pierian, Inc.合并而成的新公司,这所新公司合并后将致力于细胞重编的应用,从而改变药物发现的模式。该公司在科技领域的领导地位将加快新疗法的开发,从而将诱导功能干细胞 (iPS) 应用于疑难病患者。
 John Walker是iZumi Bio公司的首席执行官,这是一家位于南旧金山市的生物技术公司,它主要着眼于研究使用源自病人的重新编程皮肤细胞来筛选新的药物化合物,用来治疗神经退行性疾病,比如脊髓性肌萎缩、肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化和帕金森氏病,他说:“对诱导多能干细胞的最初申请也是最好的,它实实在在地改变了药物发现的范例。它复制了一套在体系统,以用于你的药物发现系统。这是真正崭新的生物学——它把病人放在了药物发现过程的最前端。”

iZumi公司是两家风险投资企业在德国化学巨人拜耳公司的一家日本子公司――Bayer Yakuhin公司的三个专利基础上,于2007年成立的。除了这些专利之外,iZumi 正在进行其战略扩张,其中包括与京都大学的山中伸弥教授的非独家合作,目标是开发新的方法来获得高质量的诱导多能干细胞品系;还有与旧金山加州大学的Gladstone研究所的合作,主要进行心血管疾病治疗学的研发。在今后五年内,该公司预期有两种化合物进入临床试验。

iPierian is a pioneering biopharmaceutical company that is taking the cutting-edge technologies of cellular reprogramming and directed differentiation to an entirely new level to harness the power of induced pluripotent stem cells to advance the understanding of human diseases and accelerate the discovery of more effective therapeutics for patients.

iPierian has built one of the most qualified teams of stem cell scientists in the world, combining the expertise of the founding scientists of what was formerly iZumi Bio with internationally-renowned scientists from top institutions such as the Harvard Stem Cell Institute and University of California San Francisco among others. iPierian is the first company to apply cellular reprogramming and directed differentiation to cells that are derived from patients representing a broad spectrum of diseases.

iPierian will apply cellular reprogramming and differentiation, including its iPS technology, to find new molecular targets and develop proprietary therapeutics for its own pipeline to treat specific diseases. iPierian is focusing on diseases for which there are poor in vivo and in vitro models and limited treatments to date. iPierian plans to initially develop a proprietary pipeline focused on three neurological disorders, including Parkinson’s disease, spinal muscular atrophy and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. iPierian scientists have demonstrated the ability to differentiate the affected cell types in these disorders. The company is also working on calcific aortic valve disease through its collaboration with the Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease.

In addition to its proprietary pipeline, iPierian will further expand into cardiovascular and metabolic diseases through collaborations with pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry partners.

Because iPierian’s technology is based on the reprogramming of human adult somatic cells into a pluripotent state, the ethical issues specific to human embryos and human embryonic stem cells are avoided. Additionally, our disease-relevant differentiated cell lines offer numerous advantages over embryonic stem cells, particularly in the ability to reveal specific genotypes of disease, and ultimately offer a paradigm-changing technology for investigating and reclassifying major diseases by genotypic and phenotypic subtypes.
