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日本伊藤(ITO)超短波株式会社创建于己于1916年,专业生产各种系列理疗、康复评估仪器,专业美容仪器,家庭保健产品和健康食品,是全日本专业制造业中唯一获得ISO-9002标准的企业。 本公司代表性产品有:使用率最大的TR-200和99年最新推出的全中文版液显TM-300颈腰椎牵引系列;单个探头同时提供1MHz/3Mhz两种频率中文显示的US-700超声波治疗仪;PM-800系列脉冲/连续式微波治疗仪;SW-800五官科短波仪;CS-210干扰式低周波仪;TRIO-300组合治疗仪;HM系列磁振熟治疗仪;CRYO-5(-30摄氏度)冷冻治疗仪及CPM被动训练、电动倾斜和Bobath训练装置;各种系列水疗装置等专业产品。 为全面配合中国各级医院理疗康复的建立与建设,本公司进一步提供科室组合设计、临床、收费等各项指导。
Ito products are currently used in medical facilities in many countries around the world. This is due to the fact that, as a pioneer in this field in Japan, Ito was quick to embrace the worldwide mainstream concept of EBM (Evidence Based Medicine), and continually incorporate it into the development of innovative equipment. Our quality environmental management system is certified to satisfy the ISO 9001, ISO 13485, and ISO 14001 , and our products comply with MDD (EU), UL and FDA (U.S.A). We recently made an investment in the construction of a new Reliability Control Center that will enable us to supply even safer equipment with further quality improvements. We believe that our dedication to quality will gain us the trust of more and more people around the world.
