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英国IDS(Immunodiagnostic Systems Limited)
? -特别在骨疾病和钙吸收功能紊乱(骨质疏松、骨软化、变形性骨炎)辅助诊断和治疗疗效监测   工具开发、实际应用方面及上述骨异常基本原理机制研究方面,英国IDS公司以经验丰富而闻名于全球。
? -公司的旗舰产品:
?  维他命D测定试剂盒(血清):人体钙储量的控制和部署的一个重要标记物

?- 1999年荣获技术成就女王奖 (由于公司在维他命D方面的贡献及其在国际市场上取得的杰出成果)。
?- IDS已在日本市场取代原来占主导地位的国内竞争对手,从而占据优势地位。
?- IDS产品已在国际主流市场上获得最大化的收入和利润。其在英国国内的销售额还不足整个全球诊断试剂市场的5%。
? -2003年在亚利桑那州成立美国IDS公司,其中美国市场占据全球销售额的35-40%。
? -2004年年底成立德国IDS公司,并于2005年2月1日全面运营。
? -2004年成立IDS上市集团,并在12月24日正式开始拥有AIM的参股贸易(代码:IDH)。
? -2005年2月,成功收购芬兰SBA公司。该公司的核心技术是测定破骨细胞活性的关键标记物:TRACP 5b (血清或血浆),目前已有人、小鼠和大鼠酶免试剂盒。
? -2005年底正式授予北京荣志海达生物科技有限公司中国总代理。



?- 抗酒石酸酸性磷酸酶5b (BoneTRAP5b)(EIA) (已获专利)
?- 骨特异性碱性磷酸酶(BAP)(EIA)
? -25羟基维他命 D/ 1,25双羟基维他命 D(EIA) (已获专利)
? -全段甲状旁腺激素(I-PTH)(EIA)
? -类胰岛素生长因子(IGF-1)(EIA)
? -可溶性破骨细胞异化因子(Srankl)

IDS is headquartered in the UK, and has subsidiaries in the USA, Germany, France, Denmark, Finland and Belgium, offering next day delivery in all major territories. The markets of Spain, Italy, Australia, Japan and elsewhere are serviced by a network of highly qualified and experienced distributors. You will find full contact details of all of these outlets on this website.

The company enjoys a dominant position in the provision of immunoassay kits for the determination of Vitamin D (for the more technical, both 25 Hydroxy- and 1,25 Dihydroxy- Vitamin D). We are determined to remain at the forefront of Vitamin D testing globally, and the appearance of fully automated Vitamin D on the IDS-iSYS underlines this determination.

Our track record of delivering innovative new products, by de novo or collaborative programmes with academia, or the judicious acquisition of complementary products and/or companies, has given IDS the broadest range of bone and skeletal biomarker kits available anywhere in the world.

Our entry into the automated analyser market heralds a new phase of growth for IDS. The IDS-iSYS is a push-button, walk away instrument that is multi-competent - a fully-automated immunoanalyser that can simultaneously run biochemistry and haemostasis tests from the same patient primary sample tube.

IDS meet the needs of its pharmaceutical and clinical customers by providing a range of Research Use Only kits for researchers in drug development and pre-clinical studies, and in offering fully-optimised and validated ?human? kits for ensuing clinical studies, and ultimately for use by the Clinical Chemist for routine IVD purposes.

With fully-automated instrumentation, IDS will compete more effectively for the larger accounts in reference laboratories and Clinical Research Organisations, whilst also easing the pressure of growing volumes of testing being experienced by small to mid sized laboratories.

The increase in the aging population throughout the world has resulted in a higher incidence of conditions such as osteoporosis, rheumatoid and osteo- arthritis, renal and cardiovascular disease. The spiralling socio-economic costs of fractures and other age-related morbidities are driving the need for better tools to monitor health and diagnose disease onset much earlier, and IDS intends to play a full part in this.

IDS is a listed company, traded on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM; trading symbol IDH) of the London Stock Exchange.
