德国ifp Institut für Produktqualit t GmbH
德国ifp GmbH公司是欧洲一家专业化的食品安全检测研究机构及生产商,在食品安全检测能力方面一直处于世界领先水平。该公司所研发生产微生物致病菌、转基因、食品过敏源和动植物成分鉴定用PCR和免疫金标试剂盒等产品均取得欧盟DAP、ISO 9001:2002-12认证和DIN EN ISO 17025认证认可。
1,微生物致病菌类; 2,转基因类; 3,食品过敏原类;
4,动物物种鉴定类; 5,DNA提取试剂盒类.等近百个品种。
The Institut für Produktqualität is a laboratory and competence centre for state-of-the-art food and feed analysis.
We analyse the composition and quality of food products independently and neutrally.
We cooperate with renowned partners and are part of a national and international network of opinion leaders, industrial partners and government agencies.
Proximity to the market and to our clients is of crucial importance to us.
Our activities focus on the development and production of innovative diagnostics for food, human and veterinary diagnostics.