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美国IBIS Biosciences    
Isis的Ibis T5000生物传感器系统,该系统是一个能够检测传染原的研究设备,尤其是,其能够检测医院获得性感染.


Ibis Biosciences, Inc., a majority-owned subsidiary of Isis Pharmaceuticals, has developed and is commercializing the Ibis T5000(TM) Biosensor System for rapid identification and characterization of infectious agents. The Ibis T5000 is currently intended for research use only and not for use in diagnostic procedures. It is capable of identifying virtually all bacteria, viruses and fungi, and can provide information about drug resistance, virulence and strain type of these pathogens. Commercial applications for the Ibis T5000 Biosensor System include epidemiologic surveillance, monitoring of pandemic diseases, identification of emerging or previously unknown pathogens, forensic characterization of human samples, identification of sources of hospital-associated infections, and, in the future, human infectious disease diagnostics. Ibis develops, manufactures and markets Ibis T5000 instruments and assay kits.
The Ibis T5000? Biosensor System, a hardware platform, and accompanying research assay kits, have the potential to revolutionize the identification of infectious diseases. Ibis Biosciences employs a unique solution for the identification of biological organisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. It is also a powerful tool for human forensics.

Traditional technology is typically limited to testing for the presence of a single organism or small set of organisms. If the expected organism is not detected, additional tests are required to identify what organism or organisms may be present. The Ibis T5000 Biosensor System overcomes these limitations.

The wide range of prospective applications of the Ibis T5000 Biosensor System include areas such as national security, healthcare infection management, and forensics.

The Ibis T5000 Biosensor System features an integrated workflow and gives users an end-to-end solution requiring less than five hours from sample to answers. Just as important, the simple user interface enables system operation and interpretation of results without specialized expertise.

