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Coesfeld Coesfeld

德国Coesfeld Matetrialtest GmbH
Coesfeld 拥有最齐全的热变形维卡系列,从两个基本手动工作站到90个样品全自动机器人加样型号完全覆盖不同客户的要求,其研制出的无油维卡试验机是目前世界首创。Coesfeld产品广泛在欧洲使用,目前欧洲使用客户已超过3000台,是欧洲最具影力的热变形/维卡供应商。
Coesfeld GmbH &Co. KG is active in the field of measuring and material test technology. Our objective is always to find and realise the most intelligent and low-priced solution to fit our customers' cost-benefit policies. Since our foundation in 1968 it has been our objective to manufacture optimum products through constant contact with our customers. This is a sign of continuity and stability on the one hand, but it is also the basis of our success and our development. Because workable innovations and a marketable product range can only be created by means of cautious and secure product development in a constant dialogue with users. Physical material tests are our core activities. Our field of competence covers everything that has to do with the precise generation and highly exact measuring of forces, temperatures, speeds, accelerations, paths and energy.
Company objective
Coesfeld GmbH &Co. KG is active in the field of measuring and material test technology. Our objective is always to find and realise the most intelligent and low-priced solution to fit our customers' cost-benefit policies. Since our foundation in 1968 it has been our objective to manufacture optimum products through constant contact with our customers. This is a sign of continuity and stability on the one hand, but it is also the basis of our success and our development. Because workable innovations and a marketable product range can only be created by means of cautious and secure product development in a constant dialogue with users.


Skills and expertise
Physical material tests are our core activities. Our field of competence covers everything that has to do with the precise generation and highly exact measuring of forces, temperatures, speeds, accelerations, paths and energy. Coesfeld produces small series and order-related customised products. Because we want to retain this procedure in favour of the greatest possible flexibility for our customers in all circumstances, we have cultivated a chain linking our supplier network, production depth, core competence, production costs and controlled processes for the purposes of our company objective. Solution-oriented pragmatics processes shape our organisation. Our QA Manual stipulates the procedures, which are certified by DQS under DIN EN ISO 9001, ed. 2000.


Markets and applications
Our customers are found in the chemical and petrochemical industry (plastics, rubber, paints, lacquer, adhesives, oil, lubricants, bitumen), in many areas of manufacturing (construction elements, profiles, windows, packaging) and in the automobile industry.


A great number of our products realise measuring methods that are standardised in Germany or abroad. Other products are recognised through the material testing sector and used as well, because they have proven their value over the years. Our products have one thing in common. They combine process and assessment methods for material testing that have been tried and tested over many years with flexible designed and customised system features such as handling, degree of automation, interface capability with laboratory or production information systems and computer equipment. This is the reason why Coesfeld systems and appliances are used in research and production laboratories in small and medium-sized companies, as well as in many locations of major globally active corporations.


Our products cover a wide area of material testing technology.

• Sample preparat
• Raw material tests
• Mechanical, thermal tests
• Static and dynamic tests with servohydraulic actuators.

