Health Level Seven International ,HL7,
Health Level Seven International创建于1987年,是健康保健信息互操作性和标准的全球性权威机构,在三十多个国家设有分支机构。HL7是一家非赢利的、经ANSI认证的标准开发组织,致力于为支持临床实践和健康服务管理、实施和评估的电子化信息的交换、集成、共享和检索提供全方位的框架和相关标准。HL7的会员超过2,300人,代表近500个企业会员,这些企业会员包含了服务于健康保健的信息系统供应商的90%以上。HL7与其他标准开发商和提供商、支付方、慈善及政府机关开展最高水平的协作,以确保开发全方位的、可靠的标准和互操作性努力的成功。
About HL7
Founded in 1987, Health Level Seven International (HL7) is a not-for-profit, ANSI-accredited standards developing organization dedicated to providing a comprehensive framework and related standards for the exchange, integration, sharing, and retrieval of electronic health information that supports clinical practice and the management, delivery and evaluation of health services. HL7's 2,300+ members include approximately 500 corporate members who represent more than 90% of the information systems vendors serving healthcare.
HL7 Vision
To create the best and most widely used standards in healthcare.
HL7 Mission
HL7 provides standards for interoperability that improve care delivery, optimize workflow, reduce ambiguity and enhance knowledge transfer among all of our stakeholders, including healthcare providers, government agencies, the vendor community, fellow SDOs and patients. In all of our processes we exhibit timeliness, scientific rigor and technical expertise without compromising transparency, accountability, practicality, or our willingness to put the needs of our stakeholders first.
HL7 - What Does it Mean?
"Level Seven" refers to the seventh level of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) seven-layer communications model for Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) - the application level. The application level interfaces directly to and performs common application services for the application processes. Although other protocols have largely superseded it, the OSI model remains valuable as a place to begin the study of network architecture.
HL7 Strategic Initiatives
The HL7 Strategic Initiatives document is a business plan for our products and services and was designed specifically to meet the business needs of our members and stakeholders. Derived from collaborative efforts with our members, government and non-government agencies and other standards development organizations, the Strategic Initiatives are comprised of five high-level organizational strategies that are supported by a detailed tactical plan with clearly defined objectives, milestones, and metrics for success.