Haimer是一家位于德国慕尼黑近郊之Igenhausen市,专门从事研究及开发生产高精度刀具(Tool Holders), 平衡检测机(Balancing Machine), 超高速热烧结机(Heat Shrinking Machine), 3D sensors等仪器、刀具及零件以供各追求精确度及质量之客户使用。Haimer 采用全球最先进之机械生产设备以及自动化系统,以生产高精确度及质量之产品为己任!
始于1977年,于Haimer 先生具高瞻之领导下,亦从原先作为一家航天工业及军工零件生产供应厂商转变为专门纯机械零件及特殊测量机之厂家!而今天,Haimer于德国国内业界及国际间在研究及开发生产高精度刀具及其相关产品皆享负盛名。
Haimer 所享有之先进生产技术使我们能够提供一系列高质素兼能令客户感到物有所值之精确产品,祇因我们相信质量,质量可取胜!而Haimer更希望与客户继续一同向前迈进,共创双赢!
2005 年,Haimer继北美洲后,在亚洲再创新一页:-Haimer于香港成立亚太地区总部Haimer Asia Pacific。从而更进一步加强与亚太及大中华地区之客户伙伴关系,为区内客户提供更优质之产品信息和服务!祇因我们相信质量,质量可取胜!
Haimer is a medium-sized family business located in Igenhausen, Germany. We develop and produce innovative ultra-precision tooling and machines, primarily in the field of machine tools. Our range comprises tool holders, balancing machines, 3D sensors, centering tools, and inductive shrink machines and accessories.
A staff numbering approximately 200 is working for Haimer worldwide. About 180 are employed in our production plant with state of the art machinery, a high degree of automation and sound production methods. High quality requires a skilled staff. Haimer educates its staff in house through our 3 year apprenticeship program in order to ensure a highly qualified team for the future. At the moment, we employ about 30 apprentices in different technical and commercial professions.
As the market leader in Germany, the continuous technological innovations of our industry leading products is very important for us, for this reason we annually invest 8-10% in research and development. With this budget, we can afford our own product development team, which constantly works on practical innovations and continual product improvements.
With our four subsidiaries, “Haimer USA” in Chicago, “Haimer Asia Pacific” in Hong Kong, “Haimer Spain“ in Barcelona and “Haimer India“ in Pune, we globally act in every world market. These five sales- and service- subsidiaries guarantee the first class Haimer service and specific customer orientated product consultation worldwide on the spot. In spite of our international activities and distributions, all products are solely produced in Igenhausen, Germany. Customers from all over the world, appreciate the consistant high Haimer quality, which you can always rely on.
History in brief:
Haimer was founded in 1977 as a one-man business. Until 1990, we functioned as a supplier of high-tech products, supplying, among others, the aviation and space industries, research institutes and the military technology sector, for example for projects for satellites and automobile airbag technology. Since 1990 Haimer has produced tool holders, and today the company is the market leader in Germany and is also internationally recognized in the field of ultra-precision tool holders and special machines designed for specific applications.
Our philosophy:
We focus on precision and top quality at marketable prices. Our strength is a cost-effective series production: instead of costly special solutions, we offer a wide range of standard products with flexible applications. Innovative production technology means that we can offer unbeatable value for the money. Together with our customers, we want to continue to strengthen our market position in the future, in accordance with our corporate philosophy: Quality wins!