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德国Human GmbH 
生产总部设在德国的Human GmbH(以下简称豪迈公司”或豪迈”)为全球客户提供高质量的体外诊断产品.是世界著名的体外诊断试剂生产商,产品行销全球1 60多个国家。1 995年,豪迈进入中国市场,率先和广大医院进行密切合作,并逐渐建立了十家以上的办事处。其代理公司遍及全国各地。  在大中华地区,豪迈公司以质量超群的诊断试剂,完整的进口产品线,快捷准确的客户服务及全国最低产品投诉率,赢得检验界的一致好评,在全国同类产品市场上占有重要地位±迈公司拥有严格的质量管理体系,所有产品均通过din en iso 90012000及din en iso 1 34852001质量管理体系认证,并获准在其产品上使用ce认证±迈是全球仅有的几家在国际标准化组织制作认可的参考材料”(crm)征求的意见厂商之一,其试剂可分别溯源至crm470,srm909b,srm1598,who/ifcc spl-01等国际参考物质。  豪迈致力于世界和中国体外诊断用品行业的发展。在不断完善和提高豪迈品牌体外诊断试剂及检验仪器的同时,我们还在技术支持和售后服务等细节方面共同努力,以达到令客户满意的第一宗旨。

HUMAN was founded more than 35 years ago with the objective of developing and manufacturing high-quality diagnostic products for clinical laboratories to be distributed worldwide at very competitive prices. HUMAN is today one of the few global manufacturers of diagnostic products capable of supplying a broad range of medical laboratory equipment, clinical analyzers and test kits to more than 160 countries. We sell our products through a well-organised network of exclusive distributors and numerous OEM partners. Both our distributors and the end users trust HUMAN because of the excellent quality, service, and reliable and cost-effective products.
Production Facility Magdeburg
Based on our many years of experience and recognised know-how in development, manufacturing and quality management, HUMAN represents a centre of competence for a very wide range of diagnostic and OTC products.

HUMAN is always looking for new distributors and OEM partners to distribute our diagnostic reagents and instruments with the goal of expanding our global distribution network.
