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Hexagon Metrology
Hexagon Metrology Hexagon Metrology

瑞士海克斯康计量Hexagon Metrology

总部位于瑞典斯德哥尔摩的HEXAGON集团是一家上市公司,其核心业务主要包括了计量、工业自动化和工程技术三大产业。集团下属制造企业分布在北欧、意大利、德国、瑞士、爱沙尼亚、拉托维亚、俄罗斯、斯里兰卡、中国、美国及其他一些国家。HEXAGON集团计量产业由于将著名的测量机专业厂家Brown & Sharpe、DEA、LEITZ、Brown & Sharpe前哨、CE JOHANSSAN以及著名的测量软件PC-DMIS专业开发商WILCOX、和著名的精密计量工具制造商瑞士TESA纳入麾下而成为世界计量领域的领先者。通过其遍及全球的8个专业制造厂和29个精密计量中心,HEXAGON集团计量产业全球化的研发、制造、技术服务和应用支持网络,通过其多品牌策略的运作,可为全球客户提供世界一流的计量产品和售后增值服务。

Hexagon MetrologyTM is part of Hexagon Measurement Technologies, a newly formed business area within the Hexagon Group.

Hexagon MetrologyTM includes leading metrology brands such as Brown & Sharpe, CE Johansson, CimCore, CogniTens, DEA, Leica Geosystems (Metrology Division), Leitz, Romer, Sheffield and TESA.

With an installed base of more than 50,000 CMMs, over 7,500 portable systems, millions of hand-held instruments and over 30,000 licenses of the popular PC-DMIS metrology software, Hexagon Metrology daily supports its customers to fully control their processes and ensure that what has been designed is in fact manufactured.
