美国Horizon Technology
美国Horizon Technology公司是领导工业发展、拥有快速分析液态化学污染物的最创新样品处理技术的高科技公司。Horizon公司在全自动固相萃取(Automated Solid Phase Extraction)领域处于领先位置,提供独特的溶剂干燥(Solvent Drying)、溶剂蒸发(Solvent Evaporation)、溶剂收集(Solvent Collection)和快速气谱分析(Fast GC Analysis)技术。
SPE-DEX® 全自动固相萃取产品具有快速性、精确性、操作简单性和安全性等特点,应用于环境、工业化学、石化、制药、食品和饮料工业领域。Horizon公司在全球拥有众多用户,其产品广泛应用于美国、加拿大、欧洲、日本的许多全球大企业、EPA、州政府、政府机构、市政部门、学术研究所的实验室中。
About Horizon Technology, Inc.
Horizon Technology helps analytical labs meet their business objectives.
Horizon Technology is a leading manufacturer of automated Sample Preparation Systems for the analysis of organic compounds in aqueous samples and Oil & Grease testing. Environmental testing laboratories who follow EPA methods for semi-volatile organics, Oil & Grease, DRO?s, TPH, Pesticides and Explosives have found our complete, automated sample preparation systems increase productivity, improve the accuracy of their results and lower operating costs.
The automated sample preparation systems we
develop and manufacture reflect our understanding
of the challenges today's laboratories face. Horizon Technology helps laboratory managers meet their
business objectives by increasing sample throughput, reducing operating costs and improving the accuracy
and consistency of their data.
Lower operating costs
Decrease sample turn-around times
Improve the quality and consistency of results
Reduce solvent usage and disposal costs
Limit exposure to solvents.
Environmental Monitoring
Industrial Chemical
Food and Beverage
Homeland Security