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Chopin Chopin

法国肖邦技术公司Chopin Technologies,是全球处于领先地位的专业研发与生产谷物、面粉及其加工产品的品质检测设备生产企业,隶属KPM分析集团。


     早在30多年以前,肖邦技术公司的谷物检测设备就已经进入中国。肖邦的著名产品,如吹泡仪AlevoPC和全自动吹泡仪AlveoLAB,混合试验仪Mixolab2,近红外分析仪Infraneo,损伤淀粉仪SDmatic,降落数值仪Amylab,实验磨粉机CD1,全自动实验磨粉机,流变发酵仪Rheofermentometer F4,全自动除杂清理机Quatuor,全自动收粮系统GESTER源源不断地在全国各地的诸多用户使用。肖邦为中国的粮食产业应用世界领先的检测技术做出有目共睹的贡献,为广大中国客户带来可观的经济效益和技术进步。


CHOPIN TECHNOLOGIES, a Tripette & Renaud subsidiary, was created by the grouping of three entities historically focused on qualitative tests on cereals and their derivatives :

The "laboratory device" branch of Tripette & Renaud (itself founded in 1836 to work on grain) specialized in producing cereal testing devices since 1970,
Chopin SA founded in 1950 by Mr Marcel Chopin, inventor of the Alveograph, whose production would be exclusively linked to flour testing.
Serdia SARL, created in the 1960s, manufacturer of silothermometry devices designed to manage temperatures in stored cereals and sampling probes.

These three entities, already part of the Tripette & Renaud group for over twenty years, were legally united as a single company, “Tripette & Renaud Chopin" in 2003, with the company adopting the name of CHOPIN TECHNOLOGIES as of April 2006.
