英国Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge公司自1965年来一直专注于向全球的研究机构和工厂销售金属和高科技材料,已经向80多个国家出口金属,陶瓷和聚合体材料。
英国顾特服剑桥有限公司(Goodfellow Cambridge Limited)以专业供应世界各地科研机构和企业在研究、开发和特殊制造中需要的特殊和精密材料而闻名。
Goodfellow was established in the City of London in 1946. The Company now has subsidiary operations in France, Germany, North America and a representative office in China, with the Group’s research laboratories, workshop facilities & central administration located in Huntingdon, England.
Goodfellow SARL
Goodfellow established an operation in France in 1993 to meet the needs of our French-speaking customers in Europe.
Goodfellow GmbH
Since 1989, this member of the Goodfellow group of companies has been serving the needs of our German speaking customers within Europe.
Goodfellow Corporation
Established at the same time as our associate company in Germany, Goodfellow Corporation was set up to service the requirements of our North American customers.