美国GenVault DNA生物标本室温存储管理系统 GenVault 是生物样品贮存领域处于领先的厂商,成立于2001年,总部设在圣地亚哥以北卡尔斯巴德,加利福尼亚.
该公司目前提供“整和的生物样品档案管理” 和组织DNA提取液贮存. GenVault旨在为医疗中心、学术机构、制药公司和执法机构等客户提供产品. 该系统未来还将开发贮存蛋白质和RNA的产品. 作为规模化和可靠的,替代传统冰箱的纯化DNA系统,GenVault在室温条件下,提取、保存和恢复干燥的DNA样品. 这种新的生物样品管理方案,配置给每个用户工作流程和档案(Archive)增长计划。从每个GenPlate板到动态的档案(Archive)管理方案, GenVault不断发展和完善生物样品的最佳综合管理方案.
GenVault is redefining the global standard in biosample workflow and storage solutions for genomic medicine, discovery and identification. The company's room temperature technology reduces costs and empowers its partners to maximize their most valuable assets. As a scalable and reliable alternative to traditional freezers and DNA purification systems, GenVault's dry-state platform enables the extraction, preservation, recovery and distribution of DNA at room temperature. Future systems will also accommodate proteins and RNA to provide a comprehensive solution.