美国Fluid Management Systems FMS
美国FMS公司十多年来一直致力于研究全自动的样品前处理设备,以便将人们从十分繁琐的手动样品前处理中解脱出来。Power-PrepTM 让这些都变成了可能,是目前唯一能实现从压力溶剂萃取(PLE )、凝胶过滤(GPC )到固相萃取( SPE )全过程全自动的系统。模块化设计客户可根据自己的应用改变分析方法,应用自如。
Fluid Management Systems, Inc. designs, manufactures, markets, and supports analytical instruments used for sample preparation, detection, and measurement of chemical compounds. The Company provides the highest quality instruments available at the best value to our customers. Our products are supported by an ever increasing network of field sales and service, and applications personnel.