Evogene Ltd.则是一家世界领先的农业生物技术公司,他们发现了几组可以提高作物含油量的基因。Evogene公司主要通过基因组改造培育优良作物品种,其拥有完善的拟南芥菜DNA调节元件(DDR)数据库,同时拥有8000个番茄跳跃基因诱变品系的数据库和种子。目前的重点研究作物是水稻、大豆和小麦。
Evogene is an Ag-Biotech Company geared toward developing improved plants for the agriculture and biofuel industries through the use of plant genomics. We discover and develop genes for the improvement of plant traits, as well as develop improved high oil yielding plant varieties for biofuels production. Evogene holds pending IP rights to over 300 novel genes and more than 40 promoters validated in plants relating to key plant traits, such as yield under normal and various environmental stress conditions (such as drought), fertilizer utilization and more.
We combine state-of-the-art computational gene discovery technologies, molecular biology, highthrough-put assays, classical and advanced breeding methods. The company's founders are breeders whose vision was to combine agricultural understanding with advanced computational plant genomic analysis in order to improve commercial crops. Evogene was founded in 2002 as a plant focused spin-off of Compugen (Nasdaq: CGEN), aimed at utilizing predictive discovery capabilities in the agricultural biotechnology field.
Our core competence is derived from our state-of-the-art, unique computational gene discovery platform - The ''ATHLETE'' (Agro Trait Harvest LEads TEchnology), which enables highly accurate and creative comparative genomics. By applying computational and biological tools to plant genome databases, we identify and prioritize gene candidates, linked to a certain plant trait. These candidate genes then undergo validation through model and target plant systems. We partner with world leading seed and Ag-chemical companies, which further develop and introduce our proprietary genes into elite commercial seed lines. A number of improved plant traits are in relatively advanced stages of development through deals and collaborations with world leading companies, such as Monsanto Company, Pioneer Hi-Bred, Bayer CropScience, Syngenta and other.
Evogene is located in Rehovot, Israel.
Evogene is traded in the Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE:EVGN), and is proud to employ more than 50 mathematicians, computers scientists, plant scientists, biologists and plant breeders.