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爱尔曼国际有限公司(Ellman International, Inc.)总部位于美国纽约市,是一家专门生产高频射频电波刀和相关附属产品的专业公司。其产品代表着当前最先进的射频电波手术技术,产品销往世界各地,被世界著名医疗机构广泛采用。大量发表在世界著名学术刊物的科学研究和临床实践的文章,以及大量医学专业的教科书都表明爱尔曼高频射频电波刀是当前临床应用中对组织损伤最小、用途最广泛、性能价格比最好、最具有市场竞争力的医疗设备。爱尔曼产品的独特性能和优秀质量在国际享有崇高的声誉,其销售量一直在国际市场名列前茅。在美国的销量超过万台,在日本的销量已经超过5,000台。爱尔曼国际有限公司在中国设立有常驻办事机构提供市场宣传、技术支持、业务培训、公共关系、售后服务等业务。

 ellman International, Inc. has earned its reputation in the Medical, Dental and Veterinary fields as a highly innovative and successful company with unique, high-quality products.

Dentists, physicians and veterinarians worldwide have relied on ellman International as the innovator and manufacturer of quality products since 1959. These products are designed, developed and manufactured in our Oceanside, New York production facility.

ellman exhibits at 160 meetings each year. Please contact us for additonal information.

ellman International is ISO 13485, CMDCAS certified on the merits of its quality program. The "e" in ellman stands for excellence in Quality and Customer Satisfaction.

