美国Eksigent Technologies
Eksigent Technologies公司成立于2000年,坐落于美国硅谷,是一家从事微分离系统研发和制造的高科技公司。作为世界上微分离系统技术的领导者,Eksigent公司拥有的革命性专利技术赋予了其产品分离速度高、通量高、灵敏度高的特点。特别是Eksigent公司开发纳升级液相色谱因为其优良的重现性和与质谱仪器的完美结合性,在蛋白质研究领域得到了广泛的应用。一批著名的科研机构、药厂和生物技术公司已经是Eksigent产品的忠实用户。至少在北美,Eksigent的纳升级液相色谱已经占据了第一位的市场份额。
Whether it’s a nano-scale HPLC system with exceptional reproducibility and reliability or an eight-channel HPLC that significantly increases sample throughput, Eksigent is creating an entirely new class of instruments and medical devices based on its proprietary microfluidics technology.
At Eksigent, we believe that conventional HPLC systems, built using yesterday's technology, need to be reinvented to meet today's needs. This kind of thinking has led us to develop microfluidic technologies that take HPLC beyond conventional limits and achieve the level of performance that today's applications demand.
With several complementary fluid delivery technologies in its portfolio, Eksigent develops systems that produce the highly precise and accurate flow characteristics required for a number of important life science, pharmaceutical, and emerging medical device applications. Eksigent’s growing technology portfolio includes the following:
Microfluidic Flow Control™ (MFC) technology is a proprietary pumping system that combines direct flow rate feedback to a rapidly adjustable pressure source. MFC enables the development of numerous high-performance micro-scale and nano-scale systems, including HPLC systems for proteomics and drug discovery.
EKPump™ technology enables the generation and control of precise, pulse-less flow at rates of one nanoliter to tens of milliliters per minute. By applying an electrical potential across a fluid-filled porous medium, the system generates an electroosmotic force while avoiding hydrolysis and its undesirable effects such as gas generation and pH changes. As a result, EKPump technology can generate significant flow rates for a variety of medical device applications.
Microfabrication technology integrates valves, pumps and other components into fully functioning systems. Eksigent achieves the same benefits that microfabrication brought to the electronics industry such as integration of complex functions in an easily manufactured format, exact run-to-run reproducibility, high speed processing of complex processes through multiplexing, and miniaturization of much larger components to produce a compact “chip” device. In addition to fused silica chips, Eksigent’s use of microfabrication enables design and manufacturing of disposable single-use drug infusion devices.
Explore Eksigent’s line of ExpressLC systems for pharmaceutical analysis and reaction monitoring, or learn about our NanoLC line of instrumentation for proteomics research.
Search a list of publication citations that describe how leading scientists are using Eksigent’s low-flow fluid delivery systems in their labs. Or learn more about the application of Eksigent’s tools in drug discovery & development and proteomics research.
Take the next step: contact us to speak with an Eksigent representative about how you can take advantage of our unique technology platform in your lab.